GSK Calibrations

Assuring Quality


GSK Calibration Services:

GSK Calibrations Limited excels in providing exceptional calibration services across a spectrum of instruments. From precise Thermal Calibration of temperature sensors, thermometers, and more, to ensuring accuracy in Mechanical instruments such as digital stopwatches, tachometers, and Vernier callipers, and even Mass Calibration for weighing boxes, GSK stands as a trusted partner for precision and reliability in calibration

 Thermal Calibration
 Temperature Sensors
  Muffle Furnace
  Temperature bath
 Digital stop watches / timers
 Vernier callipers
 UV meter
 Lux meter
 Auto Pippettes
 Mass Calibration
 Weighing sets
 Weighing balances
 Class E2
 Class F2
 Class F1
 Class M1
 Pressure Gauge
 Pneumatic pressure gauge
 Vacuum gauge
 Magnehelic gauge
 Hydraulic pressure gauge
 Differential pressure indicators